We know there are numerous benefits of including fish in your diet. These include Omega 3, fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamin D, and many more. Studies show that eating fish may lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. Fish may also increase grey matter in the brain and prevent it from degeneration. Eating fish also protects the eyes as we grow older. The list goes on and on but one thing we can all agree on is that fish is good for you.
Some fish and shellfish to eat for the nutritional benefits include:
- Salmon
- Char
- Herring
- Anchovy
- Rainbow Trout
- Shrimp
- Mussels
- Oysters
But just like anything, fish should be consumed in moderation. Some fish can be high in mercury. They include:
- Shark
- Swordfish
- King Mackerel
- Tilefish
- Marlin
- Tropical Tuna
The reason these fish have higher levels of mercury than others is because they are predatory fish. Fish that eat other fish absorb mercury from the surrounding water but also the food they eat.
When consuming these types of fish, there are guidelines set out by Health Canada:
- For the general population and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, the recommendation is 150g per week.
- For children 5-11 years old, it’s recommended that they consume 125g per month.
- Children 1-4 years old should consume 75g per month.
It’s all about moderation. For more information and advisories visit the Health Canada website. And check out some of our delicious recipes for your next dinner.